Katz Digital Audio
Delivering Targeted
Users at Scale
The Largest Digital Audio Network, reaching over 230 Million consumers monthly.
Our immense footprint enables precision targeting and delivers local markets with scale. Our audio network consists of many offerings that are tailored to the needs of our advertisers.
Katz Broadcast Streams: The largest streaming audio offering with over 160 Million monthly users. Our enormous footprint enables targeting without sacrificing scale. The broadcast streams of America’s Radio stations provide user engagement with premium publishers in a brand safe environment.
Spotify: Katz Digital has exclusive access to locally targeted advertising on Spotify, the world’s largest streaming audio platform. Spotify’s rapidly growing platform provides multiple opportunities for advertisers to reach its engaged user in an uncluttered environment.
Unidos: Hispanics have the highest engagement with Digital Audio of any demographic. Our Unidos network is the largest Hispanic-American Digital Audio platform, reaching over 75% of Hispanics online.
United: The United Network delivers nearly every audio stream targeting Black Americans, reaching 75% of this important demographic target. United includes exclusive access to America’s leading Black-owned audio publisher, Radio One.
Katz Digital Political: Our streaming resources can be put to work for any candidate, at any level. With 100% addressable impressions, we can target likely voters of any political affiliation or within any political geography (State, CD’s, Local districts)
73% of the population now listens to digital audio. As younger demos reach saturation, today’s growth is coming from over 35’s.
Source: Edison Infinite Dial, 2022, 2022, Scarborough USA 2022